Topic_____ structure of XeF2, shape of XeF2, Hybridization of XeF2 , Dipole moment of XeF2, XeF2 polar or non polar, XeF2 covalent or ionic, Reaction of water with XeF2, Bond lengh of XeF2, Bond angle of XeF2,
XeF2 related all doubts are clear after reading📖 this article.

XeF2 structure 

  • There is 22 valence election in Lavish structure of XeF2. 
  • XeF2 structure will be a bit harder to build because Xe have more than 8 election (because Xe does not follow octet rule).

Trick to find loan pair and bond pair, frist trick


  • XeF2

          Loan pair      loan pair        loan pair
             _______          _______        ________
Xe       Xe       Xe      Xe       Xe       Xe       Xe     Xe
  |                                                                              |
  F                                                                            F
_____                                                            ______
Bond pair                                               Bond pair
  • Bond pair 2,and loan pair 3
  • He is the very simplest trick to find bond and pair. 
  • To make this, you have to first identify the central atom of the given compound, then you will see the group number of the central atom, then you will write the central atom as many times, then the other element of the compound atom will see its valency. 
  • According to the valency of that atom, the number of times the element has come according to it. 
  • it will be connected to the central atom so many times.

XeF4 second example

                       loan pair        loan pair
                        _______          _______   
Xe       Xe       Xe      Xe       Xe       Xe       Xe     Xe
  |          |                                                       |            |
  F        F                                                    F            F
_______                                                           ______
Bond pair                                               Bond pair
  • Who create bond is bond bond pair, and who is not create bond pair is called loan pair. 
  • So XeF4 have 2 loan pair and 4 bond pair.

Second trick to find loan pair

  • Z=1/2(Number of valence election in compund atom + monovalent atom[Cl, Br, I,whose valency is 1])
  • XeF2  = 1/2(8+2) =10/2=5  =2 bond pair + 3 loan pair
  • XeF4  = 1/2(8+4)  = 6=4 bond pair +2 loan pair
  • Hybridization of XeF2
  • 1/2[(8+2) - (0+0) ] =5 , sp3d because she have 2 box and p have 6 box and d have 10 box but in find hybridization s have 1 box , p have 3 box and d have 5 box.

  • According to Hybridization the structure of XeF2 is Trigonal by pyramidal.

  • But he is not his correct ✅ structure. His correct shape is linear because XeF2 have 3 loan pair and 2 bond pair and you know that loan pair is not counted to make structure.
  • The current structure is given below in figure. 

Trick to find Hybridization

  • Hybridization formula =1/2[(V+M) -(C+A) ]
  • Where
  • V=Number of valence election
  • M=Number of monovalent atoms linked with central atom (Cl, Br, I)
  • C= charge an cation
  • A= charge an anion

XeF2 Dipole moment

  • The dipole moment of XeF2 is 0.There are only 2 pair in XeF2 and both are opposite direction.So also they will cut each other.

XeF2 ,Polar and non polar 

  • Z=1/2(Number of valence election + monovalent atom[Cl, Br, I])
  • 3 loan pair + 2 bond pair , geometry  is trigonal by pyramidal, μ net =0 after present loan pair he is non polar.

XeF2 is covalent or ionic bond

  • XeF2 is 2 covalent bond. So his shape is linear.

Reaction of water with XeF2

  • XeF2+ H20  --------- O2+Xe+ Hf
  • Xenon difluoride respond with water to create oxygen, xenon and hydrogen fluoride. 
  • Water is hot.

Bond angle of XeF2

  • sp3 109°28, sp2 120°, sp 180°. XeF2 shape is linear. So his bond angle is 180°.

Bond length of Xef2

  • The equilibrium bond lengths is  (Re) are 0.00 0.004−0.006 Å .

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