Dipole Moment definition
- The amount of charge present on any one atom and the distance between the nucleus of the two atoms is the product of the distance dipole moment. Molecules that consist of two identical atoms have a dipole moment zero.
- It is denoted by μ.
- μ =q×d
- Where d is distance between two atoms nucleus and q is charge of atoms
- The unit of dipole moment is Debye. Debye is denoted by D.
- 1 D= 0.02081943e. nm
- 1 D = 10−18 e.s.u X c. m
- Dipole Moment is a vector quantity.
- Dipole moment direction is less negative atom to more negative atom.
- If atoms have loan pair of election then dipole moment direction is Atom to loan pair.
- The use of dipole moment is calculate % ionic character in a covalent bond, the structure, Bond angle, and Polarity of different molecules. It is also use to known Polar are Non Polar molecule.
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Dipole moment |
How you know that the given molecule Polar or Non Polar
•Non Polar Molecule
If the net Dipole moment of any molecule is equal Zero (0) . Then the molecule wil be non Polar.
μ net =0
CO2, structure O=C=O(O-, O-
,C++), In this example the charge of Oxigen and Corbon is cancelled together.
There is no Pol forming in it.
μ net =0, So Molecule is non Polar.
If the net Dipole moment of any molecule is not equal Zero (0) . Then the molecule wil be non Polar.
μ net ≠ 0
Example HCL, HI, HF,Diatomic Molecule.Both of its molecules are similar.
H2 , Cl2, Br2
H-H, Cl-Cl, Br-Br, there is no pole firming in it. μ net ≠ 0 , So given molecule will be Polar. If both molecule are same then molecule will be always Polar.
Hetero atomic Molecule
- Both of its molecule are difference.
- HF, HCl, HI structure H-F, H-CL,H-I, in all examples in present Covalent Bond. All these will have a single dipole. μ net =1 so the given molecule wil be Polar. Hetero atomic molecule are always polar.
- Question 🙋 HF, HCl, HBr, HI what is order of Polarities.
- Charge factor HF>HCl> HBr>HI
- Distance factor HF<HCl< HBr<HI
- In calculation of polarities you always preffer charge factor. So the ✅correct order polarities is HF>HCl> HBr>HI.
Poli atomic molecule
- A compound that has more than 2 molecules is called a poly atomic molecule.
- Example, BeCl2, CO2, C2H2
- If Poli atomic molecules are symmetric and surrounding atoms are same then μ net =0 then molecule is polar but there is no loan pair.
- The different part of Poli atomic molecule
Example BF3, BI3, , BBr3, in example μ net =0 so given molecule is Non Polar
Example SO3, μ net =0 is non polar but SO2, μ net ≠ 0 because he has loan pair . The compound in which the loan pair occurs is compound polar.
Example CCl4, CH4, SiF4 are symmetry , surrounding atoms are same, loan pair absent, μ net =0, so CCl4, CH4, SiF4 is non polar.
Example CH3F, CH2Cl2, CHCl3,, CH2F2 are polar because μ net ≠ 0 .
Example SF6, μ net =0 so he will be non polar.
Z=1/2(Number of valence election + monovalent atom[Cl, Br, I])
3 loan pair + 2 bond pair , geometry is trigonal by pyramidal, μ net =0 after present loan pair he is non polar.
Z = 1/2 (8+4), 2 loan pair + 4 bond pair ,μnet =0 the shape is octahedral net dipole moment=0 so he is non polar in spite of loan pair. It is exception.
Application of dipole moment
1) To decide polarity of the molecule
Molecules having zero dipole moment are said to be non polar
2) To determine percentage of ionic character
Dipole moment is used to calculate percentage ionic character in a bond. The formula of percentage ionic character is (Experimental value of dipole moment/Theoretical value of dipole moment) ×100. Experimental value is given in question.
3) To determine geometry of molecules
Dipole moment provide valuable information about the shape of molecules. CO2 and CS2 are linear so its dipole moment is Zero. H2O is non linear molecule so its dipole moment is some. So H2O shape is linear.
4) To decide cis and trans
Dipole moment of cis>trans.
5) Bond moment
The contribution of individual bond in the dipole moment of a polyatomic molecule is termed bond moment. This dipole moment is vectorial sum of the individual bond moments of two O-H bonds having bond angle 104.5°.