Parts of noun

There are 5 category of noun. Proper, common, collective, material, and abstract noun. 
Noun, basic parts, noun parts, Kinds of Noun 1) Proper Noun 2) Common Noun 3) Collective Noun 4) Material Noun 5) Abstract Noun
Parts of noun

Noun, Gender,Apostrophe, Noun and Number related advance rules

  • 💔Proper Noun start a capital letter.
  • 💔 No articals takes Proper Noun.
  • 💔Do not use article before Proper Noun.
  • 💔Use an article before Proper Noun when it is used a Common Noun.
  • 💔 A Collective noun is consider singular in case of Unity .
  • 💔A Collective noun is consider plural in case of division.

Rules of gender in advance leble

Error detection of noun
Error detection of noun

  • 💔 Where Gender is not conform in a sentence , you use Masculine Gender.
  • 💔If you want to write a gender of a small child, then you can write a gender of child if you know it, or not.

  • 1) The child is sleeping do not wake it.
  • It is used for child because you don't know about child, he is male are female.

💔 You can write ✍️ Masculine and Feminine gender of you pet animal, because you know you pet animal male 🚹 are female🚺.
💔4 countries U.S.A, France Rasiya Germany keep in Masculine Gender.
💔4 counties except U.S.A, France Rasiya Germany and other countries put in feminine gender.
💔Masculine and Feminine Gender is known only by the Adjective that comes in some Sentence.
  • 1) I met a handsom student and he was busy.
  • In this sentence he comes, reason is handsom.

  • 2) I met a beautiful student👩‍🎓 and she was busy.
  • In this sentence she comes, reason is beautiful..

💔 Generally train 🚂🚋🚃🚋🚃🚋🚃  is consider in feminine gender.
  • 1) The Rajdhani express is coming Delhi to Allahabad but she was late🏃💨.

💔Where collective noun, team, class, Army, comes in a sentence then we use Neuter Gender .

Apostrophe related Rules

Error detection of noun
Error detection of noun

💔Only human is entitled to set apostrophe.
💔Don't use 'S , if last words ends 🔚 S.
Pay attention 💁👉👀👂 in these sentences.
  • This is boy's 👦 car.
  • This is boys' car 🚘.
  • She lives in a girls' hostel.

💔Do not use 'S with non living thing.
💔Non living thing show possession by use Of.
  • The leg of the table, The rof of the house

💔 We use 's in all country.
💔If 2 people have the right over the same thing, then one last word 's to show their possession is may.
  • Sumit and Shivam's mother name is sunita.
  • Ram and Shyam's  work is very dangerous.

💔When 2 people have their rights on different things, to show their rights, they impose 's on them.
  • Mohan's and Shohan's wife 👰 name is Sunita and kavita.

💔Some Nouns are sometimes singular and sometimes plural.
Dozen, Hundred , Thousand, Millian, Billion, Trillian, etc.
  •  I need ten 🔟 thousand rupees.
  •  Thousands of people were dead in Sunami.
  •  Millions of doler were wasted.

💔 Time ⌚ , Measurement, Waight, Length,
Distance, 's used.
1) His  house 🏠 is at a stone's throw.